Monday, September 30, 2013


Math:         mathletics or math games (at least 10 min)

Reading:     at least 15 min
                    book cover

Spelling:    study for test Thur
                  finish sentences (Thur)

French:      title page (Fri)
                  quiz on Thur (/5)

Science:     title page (Wed)

Socials:      title page  (Mon)

Other:        bring deck of cards
                   ice cream sale (Thur)

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Math:  mathletics
            math corrections
              **Math Club Monday at lunch**

Reading:   read

Other:   bring a deck of cards if you can
             pj day is on Monday
            bring back Friday book

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Note Regarding Ice Cream Fundraiser:

We were going to sell Ice Cream this Thursday after the Terry Fox Run (I even sent out a notice to all parents).  But after I thought about it more, I realized that the school will still be collecting donations for the Terry Fox Run on Thursday and that some of the money intended to go to Terry Fox may then go to ice cream instead - not good. So, we are moving out Ice Cream Day to Thursday of next week.

I am still going to need parent helper so please email me if you are able to help out.


Math:       Mathletics (or a math game) 10-15 min.

Read:        Read out loud (10-15 min)

Spelling:   Study (Thur.)
                  Write out 1 good sentence for each word. (At least 7
                         words long and underline the spelling word.) (Thur)

French:     Title page (next Fri)

Science:    Title page  (next Wed)

Other:        $2 for Terry
                  Kleenex box
                  Book order

Monday, September 23, 2013


Math:        Gr. 5 - finish pg 55
                 Gr. 6 - finish review pkg.

Spelling:    study words (Spelling City) 10 min
                  write out one good sentence per word (at least 7 words,
                        underline spelling word in each sentence)

Reading:    read (at least 15 min 4x/week)
                  book talks on Thursday (about 1 min long)

Other:       $2 for Terry
                 Book order (Thurs)
                 Kleenex box

Friday, September 20, 2013


Math:  mathletics or math game (10-15 3x/wk)

Read:  15+ min  4x week (please write it in agenda when you do)

Spelling:  review words
                 write a good sentence for each word (20 sentences at least 7 words long)

Other:   Book orders (Sept 26)
             bring a box of tissues
             $2 for Terry

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Math:        mathletics (15 min 3 x/wk)

Read:        at least (15 min 4 x/wk)

Writing:    CW  title page  (Fri)
                 good copy of story (Fri @ 2:30)

Other:       Book Orders (Sept 26)
                 Box of Kleenex
                 $2 for Terry (by Sept 25)
                 Family Picnic tonight 5:30 - 6:30 then Meet the Teacher at 6:30

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Math:  mathletics (10-15 min)  
            Gr. 5: 46-47  #2-5b (Thur)

Read:  at least 15 min

Writing:  CW  title pg (Fri)

Spelling:  study (Thur)

Other:  Book orders (Sept. 26)
            Bring a box of Kleenex

Reminder:  It's the family picnic & Meet the Teacher night tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Math:  Mathletics (10 or more min/3 times a week)
            Journal cover (Sept. 18)

Read:  at least 15 min  4 times a week

Writing:  CW  title page (Fri)
                finish story #3 (Wed)

Spelling:  study (Thur)

Other:  Cross country run (Wed)
            Bring a box of kleenex
            Book orders due Sept. 26

Monday, September 16, 2013


Read:      Our goal is to read for at least 15 minutes each day (at home) 4 times per week.
                  Reading more often is even better!!  Please record when you read at home.

Math:      Math journal cover (due Wed) - Looking for creativity, math content, neatness.

Writing:  CW (Creative Writing) title page (due Fri)
               **A few students did not finish the good copy of their ABC Interview. It should
               be finished at home and returned tomorrow.  If they can't finish it at home then
               they can finish it during the lunch hour Homework Club.

Spelling: Study for the test on Thursday.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Math:       practise basic addition and subtraction facts (there is a link on the right side of the
                to a site that we've used at school)
                Math Journal cover page due Wednesday
Read:       at least 15 minutes
Spelling:  could study any spelling words that they did not get right (Tests are always on
                 words are on Spelling City (the link is in the 'Links' section on the right)
Writing:  ABC Interview good copy is due Monday
               Creative Writing title page is due Friday

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Some students will be coming home with their agendas today.


Math:    gr. 5:  page 42 #1-5
             gr. 6:  page 38 #2-6
             Journal cover decorated (Sept. 18)

Writing:  Creative Writing title page (Sept. 20)
               ABC Interview good copy (Sept. 16)

Reading: read 15 minutes (4 times per week)

Other:   notices to be returned

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Another wonderful day!

I will be handing out agendas tomorrow to the students who have paid for them.

Reading:     Students should be reading at home and figuring out which novel they would
                   like to present to the class for their Book Talk on September 26.
Math:          Practise basic addition and subtraction facts.
CAPP:        We will be setting some personal goals (behavioural and social) in the next few
                    days.  Please talk with your child about their strengths and one or two areas that
                    could use some improvement.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Welcome to Division 5!

I am so happy to welcome so many fantastic kids to the class this year! I'm hoping that I'll get to meet many family members at the class picnic on September 19.  Please let me know (email or a note with your child) if your family is able to attend the picnic or the "Meet the Teacher" meeting (or hopefully both).

I sent home 4 notices on Monday.  Please let me know if you didn't receive them.

We are now collecting for school supplies, YPC and agendas. If you need to defer the payment for a week (or even two or three) please let us know. 

Math:       practise addition and subtraction number facts (play addition or subtraction war, play cribbage or do some practise on-line)

Reading:  read to self (for at least 10 minutes) we are working on building up our stamina when reading on our own
                 read aloud (we will be spending time practising reading to someone at school as well, focusing on pausing at punctuation and using appropriate expression and emphasis on words)

PE:          have proper PE strip
                be active (at least 15 minutes)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Class lists will be posted on Friday morning (approximately 8:00).