Monday, April 8, 2013

   Math:         all Wall Math corrections (due Tue)
                     Wall Math (Fri)
                     4 division questions (due Tue)
  **I'm happy to see most students are starting to understand the process of long division much better. Yah
   Spelling:     (Thur)
   Reading:     Novel Study (NS) Chapter 1 - 5 questions (due Wed.)
                          *I am continuing to stress the importance of capitals, proper punctuation and
                            answering questions using as much from the question as possible in complete
   French:      4 clocks (fully coloured) with  the proper time written in French (capital, punctuation
                         and proper French spelling)  (due April 17)

We are starting a softball unit.  If your child has a softball/baseball glove that they could bring to use (or even an extra one to bring and share), it would be very helpful.  Please write your name on it somewhere. Thanks very much.