Math: practise 3x/week (fill in log)
Weekly Math (Fri)
Reading: pick book for January book talk by Fri.
read 20 min 4x/week
Writing: persuasive paragraph (Fri)
French: quiz on numbers (1-20) Thursday
Other: Paige is Star of the Week
Danny is Star of the Week next week
Notice due tomorrow. Fri
Potluck items so far:
Kiel: pizza **We will need another main course item,
Jakob: caesar salad another salad, and perhaps a veggie tray.
Joey S cookies Still to sign up:
Tiago: cupcakes Mattea, Darcy, Joey H and Viktoria
Danny: meat & cheese plate
Paige: shwartz Thanks!
Hannah: dessert (might change)
Lindsay: main course
Ami: pepper corn bread