Math: Chapter 3 Lesson 1 page (Mon)
Math tests came home today.
French: study for quiz Monday on days of the week
(Mon: lundi Tues: mardi Wed: mercredi
Thurs: jeudi Fri: vendredi Sat: samedi Sun: dimanche)
Spelling: Thur
Weekly Work Book: emptied (except the Title page and today's yellow
review sheet)
yellow sheet - signed and returned in the WW book (Mon)
Upcoming Tests:
French: there will be a French test in the next 1 - 1 1/2 weeks on all of the
vocabulary learned up until now. Students are encouraged to start reviewing
those words. Many will be matching and multiple choice questions so they
will need to recognize the words. Flashcards would be very helpful to study
from (look at the French and tell what the English is).
Thank you very much to all of the parents that were able to attend the parent
teacher meetings. I appreciate having the chance to meet and talk with you.
Have a wonderful weekend.