Friday, November 9, 2012

   Spelling:     corrections due Tue. (3 times each)
                     worksheet and sentences due Wednesday -
                     test is still on Thursday
   French:      test is on Nov. 14th
                    we will be reviewing on Nov. 13 in class
   Weekly Work Book:  signed and back on Tue.

I just wanted to say how wonderful the children sang and played today in the Remembrance Day assembly. It was beautiful.  I also wanted to thank Mrs. Froese, our music teacher, for sharing her enthusiasm and her love of music. Many people don't know that Mrs. Froese doesn't work on Fridays so when she is here on Fridays (like today) she is volunteering her time.  A big thank you to her!!

And just a reminder (as if anyone would forget) that there is no school on Monday.  I hope that you are able to have a wonderful family day! Enjoy your weekend.