Thursday, February 28, 2013

   Math:      Wall Math
                  Worksheet - on factors and prime and composite numbers
                      the first 2 pages (both sides) are due Fri
   Reading:  Casey poem - questions 1 - 5 due Fri.
   Socials:   Costume ready and ready to present again tomorrow!!
   Permission Slip:   for Strikes for Tykes bowling trip (March 5)
                  Please sign and send back in ASAP.  We are trying to
                  bring in some pledges in support of the Big Brothers
                  Big Sisters of Kamloops.

We did our first round of Socials presentations to our grade 2 buddy class.
Our class did a great job and the grade 2's were very interested in what their
big buddies were saying.  We are hoping to present to 2 more classes tomorrow
and then to any Friends and Family that can come on Monday.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We had a really fun time at skating today!  Thank you to all of our parent drivers.

   Math:      Wall Math is due on Friday
                  We are working on factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers
                  Mathletics is a good option (if no/very little homework)
   Spelling:   story due Thursday & study
   Socials:    review speech - should be aiming for 1 minute for sure (1 1/2 minutes
                        would be better)
                  bring a shirt, jacket, belt/sash etc. that student can wear (if anyone has
                        an extra brownish shirt or suit type jacket to lend a student, please
                        send it to school tomorrow)

We are going bowling on Tuesday, March 5.  I will send home a permission slip
and some pledge forms tomorrow.  Normally it would cost $10 to bowl 2 games
and rent shoes but Falcon Lanes is waving all fees because it is a fundraiser for
the Big Brothers and Sisters of Kamloops.  Any donation you make will go directly to the
club.  I will be needing drivers for this activity.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sorry no post last night - the internet was not working for me!

   French:     Study!  The class did Part 1 of the test but I'm going to
                     use it as a practise and will include a similar part on our
                     test tomorrow.
   Socials:     Students should have their first draft of their speeches
                     prepared.  Some of them are not long enough so they'll
                     have to add more information tonight.  We will be doing
                     more practising tomorrow.
   Math:        Wall Math - corrections from last week due Wed.
                                     - answers to new questions due Friday
   Spelling:    Story due Thursday.  Study words.

   Skating tomorrow!  Please remember to bring skates, helmet etc.
Thank you to our volunteer drivers - parents of Carmen, Daisy, Kyle,
Reesa, Jasmine and Kila.  We really appreciate it!
   Anit-bullying day tomorrow.  Please wear PINK in support of this
important day.
   Socials:  IF you have a costume for your child (for when they dress up
as their character) could you please send it in tomorrow or Thursday.

Friday, February 22, 2013

   Writing:    poetry collection due Monday at 1:00
                      - most students have all poems written already and may just
                        need to glue it in on Monday morning (should have 8 poems
                        in total)
   Spelling:    study words and write new paragraph/story for Thursday
   French:     study - test is on Tuesday
   Weekly Work Book:   signed and back for Monday

   There is a movie night at the school tonight at 6:00 pm (admission by donation).
   We are still looking for some parent drivers to bring some students to the
Valleyview arena on Wednesday.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

   Math:     test tomorrow
                Wall Math (Fri)
   Writing:  Poetry Collection (Mon)
   French:   study!  Test on Tuesday
                 'monster' poster (Fri)

   Crazy Hair Day tomorrow!
   Socials:   Please start looking for things that your child can wear for the
                      presentations next week.  Be creative and have fun with it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

   Spelling:  due Thur.
   Socials:   for any student that did not hand it in today should have it ready to
                      hand in Thursday
   Math:      Wall Math (7 questions) due Friday at 8:30
                  some parts to know for the multiplication test: 
                          1) should know at least 3 strategies (half & double (2 types),
                              break one factor down (using arrows) etc.)
                          2) should be able to multiply numbers by a multiple of 10 (any
                              number that ends in a zero)
                          3) multiply 2 or 3 digit numbers by a 1 and 2 digit number
                          4) should be able to use an array or picture to show a multi.
   French:      monster due Fri
                    test Tuesday

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

   Spelling:   story due Thur.
   Socials:    good copy of project due Wed.  (I will accept it on Thursday if student
                       really needs the extra day)
   Math:       continue working on double digit multiplication (the more practise and
                       review, the better the understanding)
                   could go on  (PAC purchased this program for every student
                       in the school.  It is a wonderful on-line math program. Students are
                       encouraged to use it every day.)
   French:     'monster' with 10 body parts labelled is due on Fri.
                   test next week

Socials Presentations:
   The Socials Presentations will be next week.  Students can start to plan out and practise
a short (1-2) minute speech about their person.  They should try to dress in a way that
their person might.  When they present their speech, they should be talking like they are
that person.  Example:  "Hello.  My name is Sir John A. MacDonald. Did you know that I
was the first Prime Minister of Canada? . . . "
   We will be inviting family and friends to come to "Division 5's Wax Museum of Famous
Canadians" on one of the afternoons.  Invitations will be sent home later this week.

   The original permission slip regarding skating went home before our first skating time and
was asking for permission for both dates; therefore, there will not be a permission slip going
home this time. If you do not want your child attending this skating trip please send me a note.
All students will require a helmet.  I will be sending home a short notice to see who is able to
help out by driving students to the rink.

Book Sale:
   The Scholastic book sale will continue in the library until Thursday after school.

Crazy Hair Day:
   It is crazy hair day on Friday.  Looking forward to seeing a lot of CRAZY hair!

Monday, February 18, 2013

   Spelling:    - story due on Thursday **Follow directions carefully! They're worth marks!
   Math:        - some people have some double digit multiplication questions (page 18) to finish
                   - test on Friday
   Socials:     - could continue working on final draft
                    - could start planning speech and figuring out what you'll be wearing when you are
                           the wax museum figure
   French:     - 'monster' poster with body parts (10) labelled is due on Friday
                   - test on Feb. 26  (list of things to study sent home - same as on blog)

   Several student have not been bringing PE strip.  Could you please ask you child if they have proper PE strip and help them remember to bring it.
   Agendas are still required every day. Students should be bringing them to school AND taking them home.
   Book Sale:  Scholastic Book Sale in the library until Thursday.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

   Spelling:   study words and write a story for Thursday
   Socials:    drafts should be done, should be working on good copies (due Feb. 20))
   Weekly Work Book:  signed for Monday

   Bring more newspapers for Monday. 

French Test Coming Up - Feb. 26
  Some things to start studying could be:
           pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles)
           'er' verb endings to go with the pronouns (e, es, e, e, ons, ez, ent, ent)
           parts of the body:  head, ear, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, neck, arm, leg, stomach
           conversation:  (hello, what is your name? how are you? fine, not bad etc.)
           days of the week, months of the year, What is the date (today)?
           er verbs:  (aimer, marcher, danser, adorer, chanter
           aimer:  I like, I really like, I don't like, Do you like . . . ? (pages 17 - 21)

Thank you very much to those families that sent treats. 
Have a wonderful weekend! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

   Math:    multiplicattion practice - must do 5 questions (can make up their own or do
                     some from the practice sheet)  Due Thursday
   Spelling: due tomorrow/ test tomorrow too
   Socials:  all drafts should be finished and edited now
   Wear pink, red, purple or white tomorrow for Valentines Day.
   Remember your Valentines to hand out tomorrow.
   If you are able to bring a snack for the class to share for tomorrow afternoon, the kids would
love it.
   Book Fair:   February 18 - 21 at recess and lunch in the library

Pro-D Day Friday:
   Friday there is no school for students.  I was be at the Big Little Science Center for the day
to explore some hands on Science.  I'm looking forward to learning some new, fun science that
I can bring back and use in the classroom.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

   Spelling:   Thursday - review unit (words are on Spelling City)
   Math:       continue working on double digit multiplication - could practise at home
   Socials:    all journal drafts should be done - if they are not, the student will have to
                       stay in at lunch and work on them until they are caught up
                  good copy is due Feb. 20
   Writing:    working on a Newspaper Poem tomorrow - please send in as many
                       newspapers as you can

Upcoming Work and Tests:
        French:   test on Feb. 28
        Poetry:   collection due Feb. 25  (good copy)
        Math:      multiplication test on Feb. 21
        Socials:   good copy of journal due Feb. 20
                       wax museum presentation Feb. 27 and 28

        Skating:   Feb. 27  - will need drivers
        Bowling:  March 5 - Strikes for Tykes (will need drivers)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I will be away tomorrow (Friday) so I'll be trying to include what will be homework
for tomorrow as well as today.

   Math:    Wall Math (due at 8:30 Friday morning)
                2 multiplication questions due  (we are starting multiplication with 2
                     digits x 2 digits)  Homework questions are:     64 x 58  and  53 x 79
   Spelling:  review unit 18 - due Thur. Feb. 14
   Socials:   all journal entries (drafts) should be completed by Tuesday.  They
                     should have at least 2 feelings/thoughts/hopes etc. and some facts in
                     each entry.
   Weekly Work Book:   should go home Friday and should be back Tuesday (signed)
   Reading:  should try to read at least once (for 20 minutes or more) by Tuesday.
                  Home Reading Log - due Tuesday

   Our class will be participating in 'Strikes for Tykes' on March 5 with our buddy class.
I will be sending home more information next week.

   Interims will be sent home on Tuesday, Feb. 12.  I have collected all the late or missing
work and will now be able to send home a more accurate mid-term grade.

Family Day:
   It is Family Day on Monday and there will be no school.  I hope that you are all able to
enjoy the day together with your family.

Valentine's Day:
   Students are welcome to hand out Valentines next week.  I would ask that if you are
going to give them out that you give them out to all members of the class. 
   We are having math stations on that morning.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

   Math:   #1-8 questions from the board  (#9 is a bonus)
   Spelling:   Thurs.
   Socials:   all drafts are due on Fri  (or Mon morning)

   YPC on Friday!  Fun!
   Early dismissal (12:30) on Friday.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

   Socials:   all drafts are due by Friday (if they are not finished they will have to
                          work on them over the weekend and have them done for Monday
   Spelling:  due Thursday
   Math:      could try out Mathletics!
   French:    could review - a test is coming up in the next 1 1/2 weeks

   Library day tomorrow.
   Boys and girls basketball games.  Remember your jerseys.

Monday, February 4, 2013

   Math:       page 199 #2,3,4 and 6
   Reading:   Home reading Log (Tues) 
                   If your child does read at home but doesn't fill out the reading log,
                           could you please write a note in their agenda letting me know.
   Spelling:   Thur.
   Socials:     all drafts are due by Friday

   Friday is a half day with the afternoon reserved for parent-teacher meetings. 
Unfortunately, I will be away all day Friday and won't be available for any meetings
on that day.  I would be happy to meet anyone having a concern on the following
Tuesday or Thursday afternoon.  If I have any concerns about your child, I will
contact you. If you would like to meet, please email me.

Hot Lunch Day:
   It is hot lunch day tomorrow.  There will not be any extra pizza for sale but sometimes
if a child is away, we will try to sell their piece so that we can return the absent child's
money.  For this reason, your child may bring $2, just in case, if they want to.

Our class has had an opportunity to sign onto the Mathletics (online) program.  Your child
is welcome (and encouraged) to log on and explore some of the options available.  Your
child will have some assignments that are required to be done, and others are optional. Feel
free to ask your child to show you the site.  All students have their username and password
taped to the inside of their agenda.

Interim Report Cards:
Interims will be sent home later this week.  I have tallied up all assignments done to this date
and the interims will show a letter grade for most subject areas.  Some of the letter grades are
low due to incomplete assignments or assignments that were never handed in. I've informed
most students what they are missing. 

Wall Math:
Wall Math is an area that many students need to put more effort into.  There are 6 (now 7)
questions to answer each week. One on each of the areas of study that we have done.  The
questions are up on Monday morning and they are due at 8:30 Friday morning.  We mark
them together and then the corrections are due the following Monday.  Please ask to see your
child's Math Journal and look through their work.

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Fabulous Friday!

   Spelling:    due Thursday
   Math:        corrections from Wall Math work (Mon)
                      page 197 #12 to 14  (Mon)  - worked on in class on Thur.
   Socials:      We have 3 (maybe 4) classes next week to complete all of the drafts. 
                          Should be 1/2 done to be on track.
   Weekly Work Book:    signed and back on Monday
                       **Students scoring 9/14 or less on the math quiz will be asked to stay in
                                for extra math review.**
   Book orders are due on Monday.

Have a super fantastic weekend!!