Spelling: study words and write a story for Thursday
Socials: drafts should be done, should be working on good copies (due Feb. 20))
Weekly Work Book: signed for Monday
Bring more newspapers for Monday.
French Test Coming Up - Feb. 26
Some things to start studying could be:
pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles)
'er' verb endings to go with the pronouns (e, es, e, e, ons, ez, ent, ent)
parts of the body: head, ear, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, neck, arm, leg, stomach
conversation: (hello, what is your name? how are you? fine, not bad etc.)
days of the week, months of the year, What is the date (today)?
er verbs: (aimer, marcher, danser, adorer, chanter
aimer: I like, I really like, I don't like, Do you like . . . ? (pages 17 - 21)
Thank you very much to those families that sent treats.
Have a wonderful weekend!