Spelling: story due Thur.
Socials: good copy of project due Wed. (I will accept it on Thursday if student
really needs the extra day)
Math: continue working on double digit multiplication (the more practise and
review, the better the understanding)
could go on Mathletics.ca (PAC purchased this program for every student
in the school. It is a wonderful on-line math program. Students are
encouraged to use it every day.)
French: 'monster' with 10 body parts labelled is due on Fri.
test next week
Socials Presentations:
The Socials Presentations will be next week. Students can start to plan out and practise
a short (1-2) minute speech about their person. They should try to dress in a way that
their person might. When they present their speech, they should be talking like they are
that person. Example: "Hello. My name is Sir John A. MacDonald. Did you know that I
was the first Prime Minister of Canada? . . . "
We will be inviting family and friends to come to "Division 5's Wax Museum of Famous
Canadians" on one of the afternoons. Invitations will be sent home later this week.
The original permission slip regarding skating went home before our first skating time and
was asking for permission for both dates; therefore, there will not be a permission slip going
home this time. If you do not want your child attending this skating trip please send me a note.
All students will require a helmet. I will be sending home a short notice to see who is able to
help out by driving students to the rink.
Book Sale:
The Scholastic book sale will continue in the library until Thursday after school.
Crazy Hair Day:
It is crazy hair day on Friday. Looking forward to seeing a lot of CRAZY hair!