Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Spelling:      sentences and test (Thur)
     **SO nice to see such a huge improvement in the quality of this assignment!**

Socials:       symbol map (fully coloured - NO pencil left) (Mon)
                    comparison mapping page (Mon)

Science:      quiz next week on the digestive system and the vocabulary

Most students took their math test today. The other students will be taking it tomorrow.
I will try to finish marking them all by Thursday evening so that they'll go home in the
Friday Book on Friday.

Parents - please ask to see your child's Friday book (it is orange).  I still have some
children who are not bringing it home to be signed. They are getting quite full with
all of our work that they're sharing with you.  They will need to empty them at the end
of this month so that we can start again.