Thursday, February 28, 2013

   Math:      Wall Math
                  Worksheet - on factors and prime and composite numbers
                      the first 2 pages (both sides) are due Fri
   Reading:  Casey poem - questions 1 - 5 due Fri.
   Socials:   Costume ready and ready to present again tomorrow!!
   Permission Slip:   for Strikes for Tykes bowling trip (March 5)
                  Please sign and send back in ASAP.  We are trying to
                  bring in some pledges in support of the Big Brothers
                  Big Sisters of Kamloops.

We did our first round of Socials presentations to our grade 2 buddy class.
Our class did a great job and the grade 2's were very interested in what their
big buddies were saying.  We are hoping to present to 2 more classes tomorrow
and then to any Friends and Family that can come on Monday.