Monday, February 18, 2013

   Spelling:    - story due on Thursday **Follow directions carefully! They're worth marks!
   Math:        - some people have some double digit multiplication questions (page 18) to finish
                   - test on Friday
   Socials:     - could continue working on final draft
                    - could start planning speech and figuring out what you'll be wearing when you are
                           the wax museum figure
   French:     - 'monster' poster with body parts (10) labelled is due on Friday
                   - test on Feb. 26  (list of things to study sent home - same as on blog)

   Several student have not been bringing PE strip.  Could you please ask you child if they have proper PE strip and help them remember to bring it.
   Agendas are still required every day. Students should be bringing them to school AND taking them home.
   Book Sale:  Scholastic Book Sale in the library until Thursday.